


A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity.
For IT & Computer science Engineers

Course Type :


  • Python Installation and Calculator Usage
  • Programming Concepts: Keywords, Identifiers, Data Types
  • Control Flow: Decision Making and Looping
  • Functions: Arguments, Recursion, Lambda Functions
  • Data Structures: Numbers, Stack, Queue, Tuple, String, Set, Dictionary
  • Modules and Packages: Import Statements
  • File Input and Output: Operations and Directories
  • Errors and Exceptions: Exception Handling
  • Object-Oriented Programming: Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Reference Types

Course Content

Course Description
Python is a simple and powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and effective approach towards object-oriented programming. The language possesses syntax and dynamic typing, making it a supreme choice for rapid application development and scripting on almost all the platforms.
It can be used for everything from software development, web development, Data Analytics and scientific applications.

Course objectives
Owing to the fact that Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, it has become the first and foremost choice for individuals going forward. There is a rapid proliferation in the market for the individuals who are equipped with Python skills. 

Roles in industry
According to hiring agencies, Python is a hot skill taking attention from traditional languages. Salary could be up to 30% higher than people skilled with traditional languages.
After successful completion of it, you can work in varied fields such as
Web Applications
Selenium Testing
Big Data Development and Analyst
Web Services
Software Engineer
Research Analyst

Course Highlights
Introduction to Python : Environment setup, Basic I/O
Conditional branching control statements: If-Else
Conditional looping control statements: while, do-while, for.
Functions-Function arguments-Default, Keyword, Arbitrary
Functions-Recursion, Lambda function
Data structures - List, Tuple, Stack, Queue
Data structures - Dictionary, Set
Modules and Packages
Files-Different types of files, File operation
Errors and Exception handling - Errors, Assertion, Try, Except, Finally, User defined exception
Object oriented programming-class, object, inheritance, and polymorphism
Reference Types-Iterator, Generator, Closure, Decorators
Graphical User Interface-textbox, listbox, option button, menu, canvas
Database connectivity using MySQL
Networking-Client and Server Program
Standard library functions