Learn full stack web development with HTML5, CSS , Bootstrap 4, Javascript, ES6, VueJs, Node.Js, PostgreSQL & More
For IT & Computer science Engineers
Course Type :
₹ 30057
Topic 1 | Introduction to Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML5)
Introduction to Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML5)
Topic 2 | HTML Elements & Semantic
HTML Elements & Semantic
Topic 3 | HTML Attributes & Headings
HTML Attributes & Headings
Topic 4 | HTML Paragraph & Styles
HTML Paragraph & Styles
Topic 5 | HTML Formatting & Quotations
HTML Formatting & Quotations
Topic 6 | HTML Comments & Colour
HTML Comments & Colour
Topic 7 | HTML Lists & Blocks
HTML Lists & Blocks
Topic 8 | HTML Classes & Layout
HTML Classes & Layout
Topic 9 |HTML Classes & Layout
HTML Layout
Topic 10 | HTML Responsive & Forms, Tables
HTML Responsive & Forms, Tables
Topic 11 | Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet(css), Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet(css), Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON
Topic 12 |How To Color & Background color in CSS
How To Color & Background color in CSS
Topic 13 | Padding, Height & Width CSS3
Padding, Height & Width CSS3
Topic 14 | Margin & Shadows CSS3
Margin & Shadows CSS3
Topic 15 | CSS3 Text & Links
CSS3 Text & Links
Topic 16 | CSS3 Tables & Outline
CSS3 Tables & Outline
Topic 17 | CSS3 Display & Float
CSS3 Display & Float
Topic 18 | CSS3 Images & Buttons
CSS3 Images & Buttons
Topic 19 | CSS3 Responsive & Drop downs
CSS3 Responsive & Drop downs
Topic 20 | Introduction to Bootstrap
Introduction to Bootstrap
Topic 21| Introduction to Java script
Introduction to Java script
Topic 22| Introduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDB
Topic 23 | MongoDB Drop Database & Collection
MongoDB Drop Database & Collection
Topic 24 | MongoDB Read & Write Operation
MongoDB Read & Write Operation
Topic 25 | MongoDB Administration & Security
MongoDB Administration & Security
Topic 26 | MongoDB Replications & Sharding
MongoDB Replications & Sharding
Topic 27 | Introduction to Express Framework
Introduction to Express Framework
Topic 28 | Express Routing & Error Handling
Express Routing & Error Handling
Topic 29 |Security & Deployment
Security & Deployment
Topic 30 | Introduction to Angular
Introduction to Angular
Topic 31 | Observable & Pipes
Observable & Pipes
Topic 32 | HTTP Request & Animation
HTTP Request & Animation
Topic 33 | Unit Testing & Promises
Unit Testing & Promises
Topic 34 | Introduction to Node.Js
Introduction to Node.Js
Topic 35 | Mongodb node modules & Connecting Node.js to Database
Mongodb node modules & Connecting Node.js to Database
Topic 36 | Callbacks Concepts
Callbacks Concepts
Topic 37 | Buffers & Streams
Buffers & Streams
Topic 38 | Web Sockets
Web Sockets
Topic 39 | Payment Gateway & E-mail validation
Payment Gateway & E-mail validation
Topic 40 |SEO, DNS,HOST,SMTP Basics
Topic 41 | GitHub
Topic 42 | Heroku
Topic 43 | Projects Work on MEAN Stack
Course Description
There are different aspects of a website which need to be catered to make it efficient and user-friendly. This is where Full Stack - MEAN stack developers come in handy as they work on both the front-end and back-end of an application or website. These developers are familiar with CSS, HTML, Java script & Angular as well as more than one back-end languages. As the differences between back-end and front-end become more similar, the things that were only possible through back-end languages are becoming possible on the front-end.
Course objectives
Full-stack engineer is a senior level role for anyone who is profound in the skills of a full stack developer. However, to become a full-stack engineer, the developer must also have knowledge and experience in project management. Project management essentially includes things like managing, maintaining, and configuring computer systems and networks. The main objective of this course is to give a comprehensive knowledge on Angular,Node.js,Express.js and MongoDB.
Roles in industry
According to a report published recently, there has been a 60% increase in the industry for full-stack developers in only this financial year. With the rate at which the demand has been increasing, application and software development is sure to be one of the top emerging industries.
Course Highlights
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