C Programming

C Programming will increase career options. Become a better dev in other languages by learning C. Pointers explained
For Computer, IT, Computer Science, Electronics Engineers

Course Type


₹ 5998  

What You'll Learn ?

Storage classes, Type casting, Operators
Conditional control: If-Else, switch-case
Introduction to C, Environment setup, Basic I/O
Variables, Data types, Constants, Literals
Looping control: while, do-while, for
Unconditional control: break, continue, Functions
Arrays, Strings, Pointers, Call by value/reference
Compound Data Types: Struct, Union, Enum, Typedef
Dynamic Memory Management, Error Handling
Preprocessor Directives, I/O functions File I/O, Multiple file compilation, Header files


Course Description
C is the base for almost all popular programming languages. Because of the performance and portability of C, almost all popular cross-platform programming languages and scripting languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Objective-C, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Lua, and Bash, are implemented in C and borrow syntax and functions heavily from C. C is one of the foundations for modern information technology (IT) and computer science (CS).

Course Objectives
Studying C provides a solid foundation for students who want to learn advanced programming skills such as object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, multi-thread programming, real-time programming, embedded programming, network programming, parallel programming, other programming languages, and new and emerging computing paradigms such as grid-computing and cloud computing.

Roles in industry
Job opportunities for C programmers include embedded engineers, Linux and unix programmers, android kernel development, Software developers, networking development engineer etc.

Course Highlights
C basics
Computing basics
Data type conversion
Files and Streams
Memory Organization
Gcc compiler and Make files