
Learn the key elements of blockchain and Bitcoin in this course .
For IT & Computer science Engineers

Course Type


₹ 17718  

What You'll Learn ?

Blockchain fundamentals and underlying technology.
Cryptocurrency and digital wallet management.
Smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).
Blockchain security and consensus mechanisms.
Tokenization of assets and NFTs.
Use cases in finance and supply chain.
Public vs. private blockchain networks.
Hands-on blockchain development skills.
Regulatory and ethical considerations.
Future trends and blockchain career opportunities.


Course Description

The blockchain is a technology that permits digital information to be distributed but not copied. Because Blockchain is incorruptible, many giant companies are also using Blockchain to provide the much-needed security to their customer’s data. Companies of the financial sectors are using Blockchain more than any other sector. Thus, they are also opening up the opportunities for the youngsters who are proficient in Blockchain to get a job in their companies.

Course objectives

Companies such as American Express, Oracle Corporation, Alibaba Group and many other big companies all over the world require Blockchain developers. So, if you want to join a company of such stature then you can enrol in our Blockchain course. After completing our course, you will be able to get a lucrative job in one of the biggest companies in the world for sure.

Roles in industry

  • Blockchain startups and consortium
  • Large tech firms
  • Banks and other private sector firms
  • In Government
  • Professional services firms

Course Highlights

  • Blockchain and different applications in blockchain
  • Public and private blockchain
  • Ethereum Blockchain
  • Ethereum environment
  • Smart contracts for Solidity programming
  • Writing real smart contract with Solidity
  • Hyperledger
  • Hyperledger Faric
  • Hyperledger environment