Learn how to write high performance and scalable .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications in C#
For IT & Computer science Engineers
Course Type :
₹ 15900
Topic 1 | Introduction to ASP.NET with C#
C# Introduction
C# Control Statement
Introduction to ASP.NET with C#
Topic 1 | C# Functions
Topic 2| C# Arrays
C # Functions & Arrays
Topic 1| C# Object Class
Topic 2| C# Inheritance
Topic 3| C# Polymorphism
C# Object Class & Inheritance
Topic 1| C# Abstraction
Topic 2 | C# String
Topic 3| C# Exception Handling
Session 4| Abstraction, String & Exception Handling
Topic 1| C# File I/O
Topic 2| C# Collection
Topic 3 | C# Web Services
Session 5 - C# Web Services & Collection
Topic 1| ASP.NET Web Forms
Topic 2| ASP.NET Label
Topic 3| ASP.NET Text Box
Session- Introduction to ASP.NET Framework Web Form
Topic 1| ASP.NET Button
Topic 2 | ASP.NET Hyperlink
Session7 - ASP.NET Button & Hyperlink
Topic 1| ASP.NET Calender
Topic 2| ASP.NET Radio Box
ASP.NET Calender & Radio Box
Topic 1 | ASP.NET File Upload
Topic 2 | ASP.NET Multiple File Upload
Topic 3 | ASP.NET File Download
Session 9- ASP.NET File Upload
Topic 1 | ASP.NET Cookie Management
session 10- ASP.NET Cookie Management
Topic 1| ASP.NET Session Management
Session 11- ASP.NET Session Management
Topic 1 | ASP.NET Drop down list
Topic 2 | ASP.NET Data List view
Topic 3 | ASP.NET Data Grid view
Session 12- ASP.NET Data
Topic 1 | ASP.NET Security
Topic 2 | ASP.NET Server Controls
Topic 3 | ASP.NET Validation
Session 13- Security, Server Control & Validation
Topic 1| Introduction SQL Server Management Studio
Session 14- Introduction to ASP.NET Database
Topic 1 | SQL Server Datatype
Topic 2| SQL Server Database
Topic 3 | SQL Server Create Table
Topic 4 | SQL Server Delete Table
Topic 5| SQL Server Alter Table
Session 15- SQL Server Management
Topic 1 | SQL Server Insert Data
Topic 2| SQL Server Update Data
Topic 3 | SQL Server Delete Data
Session 16 - SQL Server Management
Topic 1 | MVC Project Structure
Topic 2 | MVC Controller
Topic 3 | MVC Actions
Session 17- Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Toipc 1 | MVC Model Binding
Topic 2 | MVC View
Topic 3 | MVC Validation
Session 18- MVC Model
Topic 1 | MVC Authentication
Topic 2 | MVC Routing
Session 19- MVC Authentication & Routing
Topic 1 | MVC Scaffolding
Text 2 | MVC Bootstrap
Session 20 | MVC Scaffolding & Bootstrap
Course Description
This comprehensive course is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop dynamic web applications using ASP.NET with C#. ASP.NET is a powerful framework for building web applications, and C# is a versatile and robust programming language widely used in web development. Throughout the course, participants will learn how to leverage ASP.NET to create interactive, scalable, and secure web applications. They will gain hands-on experience with essential concepts such as web forms, MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, data access, authentication, and security.
Course Objective
They'll learn to leverage ASP.NET's powerful framework to create interactive, scalable, and secure web applications. The curriculum covers both fundamental and advanced topics, including setting up development environments, working with databases using ADO.NET and Entity Framework, implementing authentication and authorization, and building responsive interfaces with Bootstrap and CSS. Participants will also learn about state management, client-side scripting with JavaScript and AJAX, security best practices, performance optimization, and deployment strategies.
Roles in Industry
Course Highlights
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