

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Combine the power of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to create powerful AI for Real-World applications
For IT & Computer science Engineers

Course Type :


  • Introduction to AI: History and Applications
  • Statistic Essentials and Pre-program Preparation
  • Python Programming Basics: Control Flow, Functions
  • Data Structures, Modules, and File I/O
  • Handling Exceptions and Using Standard Library
  • Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Image and Video Processing with OpenCV
  • Robotics and Raspberry Pi Integration
  • Text Mining with NLTK: Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Course Content

Course Description
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a research field that studies how to realize the intelligent human behaviors on a computer. The ultimate goal of AI is to make a computer that can learn, plan, and solve problems autonomously. AI is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in tech and with good reason. The last few years have seen several innovations and advancements that have previously been solely in the realm of science fiction slowly transform into reality. 
Experts regard artificial intelligence as a factor of production, which has the potential to introduce new sources of growth and change the way work is done across industries. For instance, this PWC article predicts that AI could potentially contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2035. China and the United States are primed to benefit the most from the coming AI boom, accounting for nearly 70% of the global impact.

Course objectives
All complex real-world problems like self-driving cars, face recognition, web search, industrial robots, missile guidance, and tumor detection are solved with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The main objective of this course is to give a comprehensive knowledge of the basic techniques for creating intelligent computer systems and a perception of how AI is applied to problems by introducing AI’s key problems, and the state-of-the-art models and algorithms used to undertake these problems.

Roles in industry
What IT jobs will be hot in the age of AI? Take a sneak peek at roles likely to be in demand
Intelligence Designer
Data Curator
Data Evangelist
Machine Learning Data Scientist
Robotics Process Analyst
Digital Knowledge Manager
AI Interaction Designer
Cognitive Copywriter

Course Highlights
Artificial Intelligence
Statistics Essentials
Pre-Program Preparation
Machine learning
Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning