

ANSYS Workbench

The Ansys Workbench platform lets you integrate data across engineering simulations to create more accurate models more efficiently.
For Mechanical and Automobile Engineers

Course Type :


  • Introduction to CAE and ANSYS Workbench.
  • Understanding system requirements and project creation.
  • Units and sketching in ANSYS Design Modeler.
  • Solid modeling techniques like extrusion and sweep.
  • Mesh generation, refinement, and settings.
  • Material properties and static structural analysis.
  • Examples of cantilever beams and pressure vessels.
  • Natural frequency analysis and mode shapes.
  • Buckling loads and various column types.
  • Thermal analysis, stress, and heat transfer applications.

Course Content

Course Description

ANSYS Mechanical is a finite element analysis tool that is widely used for analyzation and solving complex mechanical problems. The tool is efficient in predicting the behavior of the components in the manufacturing industry and real-world environments. ANSYS globally supports engineering simulation with the delivery of high-quality products developed in less time through the better information-based process.

Course objectives

ANSYS training course aims to explain the basics of ANSYS, Finite Element Modeling (FEM), and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The curve of learning will elevate from various stages, which includes pre-processor, solution, and post-processor. The course will also explain on ways to conduct advanced structural analysis that is also described in hands-on sessions.

Roles in industry

The software is being used in wide range of industries to analyze various performance parameters such as signal integrity, electromagnetic interference, thermal issues, and mechanical failure.

Course Highlights

  • Validate the performance of products from all the manufacturing units.
  • Simulate every structural aspect, including linear static analysis, of a single part of an elaborate assembly with hundreds of components interacting through contacts or relative motions.
  • Perform fluid flow analysis to know the impact of fluid flows on your product while manufacturing and in real-world applications.
  • Contribute to the success of products, product integrity, designing smart products, and reduced time-to-market.